Looking for a partner to promote our business cause.
- Good verbal communications skills.
- Desire to work hard and make a difference.
- Ability and a desire to learn and grow.
- Interest in information technology, software, and online role-playing games (MMORPGs).
- Interest in promoting a great cause through whatever means: writing, images, videos, audio, face-to-face, phone call, online meetings, etc…
- Tools: Google documents and spreadsheets.
- To know or learn:
- Content Marketing.
- Image, audio and video editing software.
- Trello.com.
- Slack.com.
About Us
You can read some about us here: itsolver.com | about-us
Some Q&A on our why, how and what:
WHY do we exist?
To “level up” people
HOW do we level up people?
Through game-changing solutions
- Create and develop businesses, software, processes, methods, and systems that satisfy actual needs
Devotion to the right people
- Care for individual coworkers, clients, customers, and fans
Continuous improvement and learning
- Encouraging personal study and growth
- Look for and embrace new methods, ideas, process, tools, etc…
Autonomous collaboration
- Work anywhere
- BUT work as a team
- Find, embrace and use the tools and systems that support this
- Allow for learning
- Allow for mistakes, by implementing “safety nets”
- Allow for and embrace the weird, bizarre, an estranged
- If possible, we give people a second chance
WHAT do we do, that demonstrates why and how?
Leadership in IT Solutions
Multiplayer Online Role-playing games (MMORPGs)
- RuleTheSeas.com and working on a next generation browser MMORPG (see InfiniteRPG.com).
Content Marketing
Ideas of some of the work to be performed:
Base income, profit-sharing and equity
Contact Us
Want to help us level up people and improve the world!
If you are interested, I prefer you send me a message on LinkedIn.
You could also Contact us here.